As I watch our local elected and appointed officials address the concerns of our citizens and voters. I still see those in charge not working together. Yes they are making attempts at curbing homelessness, crime, drugs, and many other things. I am going to focus on the homeless here I wish they meaning our leaders would lay out a plan that every voter every citizen and every homeless person could read understand and watch be involved as they take charge and implement such things. Homelessness our number 1 concern and they add a term affordable housing in every city in the USA. Make our leaders tell you what affordable housing means to them and the people they talk about while putting it into dollars. Have you asked a person living on the street pulling a piece of plastic over their head so they can stay dry as they try to sleep, how can I help you? Portland used to be like that.

While most of our leaders talk about ideas while they all go in different directions let's lay out an idea maybe you are thinking about it right now. A good team of leaders working together will need ideas set at more than just one thing a multifaceted approach some are in planning some are being implemented on a part time or specific area only but let's say the whole city. I am going to take a moment and applaud the many volunteers that are giving their time right now,, YEA. The term all government and political leaders use when speaking to it's citizens when talking about building homes or homelessness is affordable housing. Let's try and quantify that term into dollars and rent payments. A person earning 20 dollars an hour makes gross wage at 40 hours a week of 3200.00 a month. less tax, Medicare deductions' of 25% 800 dollars leaving the worker a net earnings of 2400.00 a month. lets take into account a car payment of 300 a month, car insurance of 250 a month , gas to and from work the store 400 a month, electric bill  being conservative 100 a month, food 400 a month, cloths 200 a month. That leaves a single person 750 dollars a month with no other expenses to rent a 1 bedroom apartment. I just did a search on google for an average price of a 1 bedroom apartment inside Portland it read the average price for a 1 bedroom apartment is 1500.00 per month. How I look at the meaning of affordable housing is building housing that rents for 750 dollars a month. Ask anyone running for any office what Affordable Housing  means to them.



When our local leaders accept money from the federal government to accept refugees, covering housing, food,, healthcare for their wellbeing and money, make our local government ask the federal  government equal Federal Dollars to help the homeless that our policies. and housing shortage makes it difficult for everybody.



If we are going to solve homelessness we must include Permanent Supportive Housing. This idea would make housing to be combined with support services like job training, treatment for substance abuse, meals, healthcare, and child care.



These next words mean many different things to many different people. Increase our supply of Affordable Housing. Portland has plans to start to contract something called fast track housing with plans to build 20,000 thousand units by 20??. I think the number should be higher and the work start date of yesterday. Looking at all options including office buildings converted into low cost housing.



Let's look outside the box Emergency Shelter and Safe Villages. Portland is in the process that is what they call it in establishing 6 new such facilities for designated or approved camping sites using a time period of 18 months what happened to emergency.



Being able to provide Support Services or more intensive social services directed at those with greater risk of being stuck in a cycle of endless homelessness. Mental health services, substance abuse services, using existing and new outreach programs, sometimes just someone to talk to can help create a community of people designated that they can call and talk. Can you remember a time you just needed someone to talk to.


Something that most people need Employment Opportunities. Working with in or with out our systems making or creating opportunities especially for our citizens that our Unhoused which puts them in danger of not being able to see a future, stability, or independence.



We need to educate ourselves as much as the individuals' or families we are trying to help. I have listened to our people that want the opportunity to lead our city. When they talk about let's say homeless people being addicted and using drugs, they also tell you it is one off the main reasons, they in their minds already put them in a box which has many labels. They assume that all people using drugs are the same no different than people with mental instability. I guarantee you they all had dreams, they all had goals, some misguided but goals. They as young people never thought they would be trying to survive on the streets of Portland. Mental health that is a contradiction in words. Can you think of a friend or loved one that certain things set them off which in turn makes them do things you think is crazy? According to people like the Mayo Clinic about 1 in 5 adults has a mental illness in any given year. Mental illness can begin at any age, but it mostly starts at a young age and also later in adult years. The effects of mental illness can be temporary or long lasting. You can also have more than one mental health disorder at the same time. As people describe people living on our streets like our leaders, they put everyone in boxes of one size fits all. There are people living on our streets that have had a traumatic event happen in their lives and don't know how to deal with it. Some are there because they lack education and goals to get out. Some are there because they choose to and are plain lazy. There are many reasons why they live on our streets it is our responsibility to get them off our streets using our policies and laws to make it whole. In reality our state is so far behind in mental health services. I myself have been out talking to people, total strangers my entire life, striking up conversation about the things in their lives that they feel is important, I am not saying the topic is relevant, but they think it is. I remember a college student working as a life guard on one of our rivers. I asked him who he was going to vote for he said a candidates name. I asked him why? At the time there was or always many reasons why people vote for a candidate. He said just one reason and that was all he needed. Nothing else mattered. I have many stories like this including things happening everyday, today. I went to dinner at Red Robbin. I arrived and noticed the front door covered with plywood. I asked what happened, she said after the store was closed the other night there was loose gun fire. I asked her if she felt safe working here. She said no. The discission went on for a little bit. I talk with people all the time and we need to use deterrents, laws on the books a DA that knows how to prosecute and make our citizens feel safe again from bullies, robbers, thefts, gangs, criminals of all kinds. 


There are many factors that have caused our crisis of homelessness the simple ones like people just don't care, bad life and habit choices, policies that don't work. I am sure you could add in some reasons.


  1. Cause of Homelessness: Substance abuse or a gambling problem, a family crisis can lead to job loss, financial instability, and strained relationships, which can result in homelessness. People struggling with addiction, gambling problem or family crisis may prioritize their choices different than paying rent first or maintaining stable housing. Not enough income, a tragedy in your life or family. Outsource of the job you used to have. A business that you worked at closed. Bad policy running our local government creating less choices for low income workers. There are an endless supply of reasons.

  2. Consequence of Homelessness: Once individuals become homeless, the stress and instability of living on the streets can exacerbate substance abuse issues and cause others to start using. Homeless individuals may turn to drugs or crime or alcohol as a coping mechanism.

  3. Barrier to Housing: Please fill in these topics yourself.

  4. Health Impacts

  5. Need for Integrated Services:


Let's look at some ways we can help


  1. Volunteer Your Time: Many organizations need volunteers to help with outreach, meal services, and support programs. Volunteering at shelters or food banks can make a big difference.

  2. Donate: Financial contributions to local shelters, food banks, and organizations that provide addiction treatment and mental health services can help them continue their vital work. Donating items like clothing, hygiene products, and non-perishable food is also beneficial.

  3. Advocate for Policy Changes: Support policies that increase affordable housing, expand mental health and addiction services, and provide more resources for homeless individuals. Contact your local representatives to voice your support for these issues.

  4. Educate Yourself and Others: Understanding the complexities of homelessness and addiction can help reduce stigma. Share what you learn with others to foster a more compassionate community.

  5. Support Employment Programs: Many organizations offer job training and employment opportunities for homeless individuals. Supporting these programs can help people gain the skills and confidence they need to re-enter the workforce.

  6. Be Compassionate: Sometimes, a simple act of kindness can make a big difference. Treat homeless individuals with respect and dignity. Listening to their stories and offering a kind word can provide emotional support.

  7. Support Harm Reduction Programs: These programs provide safe spaces and resources for individuals struggling with addiction, helping to reduce the harm associated with substance use and offering pathways to recovery.

  8. Get Involved with Local Initiatives: Join or support local initiatives aimed at addressing homelessness and addiction. This could include community clean-ups, fundraising events, or awareness campaigns.

Every effort counts, and your support can help create a positive change in someone’s life. Is there a specific area or organization you’re interested in supporting?

These last couple months I read a new article every other day as to what our elected leaders including Ted wheeler are running around doing which they should have done years ago and, I hope we get what we voted for as others are setting this up for us the voters. I understand that voters will be able to pick up a phone and call their district leaders when things are not going the way they want. Our Mayor will still have a big role to play in our government and it's new leaders. "Shortly after Portland voters approved the charter reform proposal, the city council appointed Jordan to lead the team handling all the aspects of implementing the transition, such as setting up a commission to determine city's four new geographic districts, another commission to set new salaries for elected officials and a committee to gather public input.}(

"Portland’s new government structure is being shaped by several key groups and individuals. The transition is led by the Chief Administrative Officer, Michael Jordan, in consultation with the city council1. Additionally, the Government Transition Advisory Committee, a community oversight group, is providing feedback and recommendations to ensure the transition aligns with voters’ directions2.

The Charter Commission, a group of 20 community leaders appointed in December 2020, initially proposed the new election system and form of government. This commission played a crucial role in reviewing and recommending changes to the city’s founding document."(copilot)

 Who holds the most power in Portland's new government structure (  Lan Su Chinese Garden vandalism addressed in Mayor Wheeler public safety plan (

I do understand why voters are tired of our local government and our leaders that were elected to be able to handle problems that arise, doing it quickly with regards to our community, Portland. When we vote this time I hope are voters put aside personal wants and hold our government leaders responsible when they are supposed to do things that will benefit all. Are elected leaders need also to put aside there special interests, Multnomah county and the city of Portland need to work together no matter what are homeless problem isn't going to go away by fining the homeless people on our streets. They need help and guidance and receive shelter and job placement or training, in their lives as they just try to survive. This piece of news should infuriate you and your vote. North Portland homeless shelter has sat empty for months as the crisis around it grows: 'There are encampments everywhere' (