Welcome to James Macdonald for Mayor


At James Macdonald for Mayor, we believe in transparency and accountability. Our constitution outlines the values and principles that guide our mission to create positive change in Portland, Oregon.

Our Values

Our values are deeply rooted in community, integrity, and compassion. We believe in listening to the needs of our fellow citizens and working together to find innovative solutions for a brighter future.

Community Outreach

Through community outreach workshops and job training programs in trade schools, we strive to empower individuals and build a stronger, more resilient community.

Leadership for Change

As a mayoral candidate, James Macdonald is dedicated to providing innovative leadership to address the pressing issues facing Portland, including homelessness, crime, hunger, inflation, and healthcare challenges.

Our Commitment

We are committed to making a positive impact on the community, supporting those in need, and advocating for change that benefits all residents of Portland.

Over the years our constitution has survived because of YOU the people believing in something bigger than themselves. Any country or nation has established laws to govern it's citizens, guiding it's communities to flourish showing compassion and from our leaders we expect there best in keeping us true to it's words, we have fought and died for our country to keep us whole. We have laws that as it's people we obey them making our communities have the ability to flourish together. If some or our people disregard others rights like stealing from each other then we use are laws to help people understand that we use deterrents to protect our people. When we have leaders lead us astray we can vote them out of power. When our citizens belittle a person or group of people for someone being different it is our responsibility to protect them. I myself have stood up to a school district that allowed bullying. I started my revolt because of a boy who took his own life. I helped him get a good job, his first apartment, I even had him live with my family through a summer. I care and have always cared about others.  I was all alone at first standing out in the cold my doctor showed up with a warm cup of coco and told me I should not be doing this. This is a long story, I was  protesting not destroying offering people a voice of change as they did not know where to start. In the end I won and the school district made changes I would show up at board meetings show evidence of their ill thought ways embarrassing leaders. I wanted to stand with the protesters during the Geroge Floyd times and others but some protesters became violent and destructive. Today we have leaders and many in our past here in Portland and other cities in our country that have led us to communities that are not working. I myself am running to lead as your mayor not for money, not for fame not because of people who think they can lead but because our people who live here want a safe secure place to live, raise families, and treat others as they would like to be treated themselves .We must enforce our laws, we must find shelter for our homeless, we must care about others, and for me please start smiling again. Portland used to be the friendliest city in the world.